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Privacy Policy

Holder of the treatment

The Data Controller is Beppino Bergamaschi at Str. del Racchetti, 8, 12084 Mondovì CN

Object of the treatment

The Data Controller processes all personal data provided by you during any contact with the firm, even before receiving a formal assignment. 

If the person providing the data is under the age of 16, the processing is lawful if and to the extent that the consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility for whom the identification data and a copy of an identification document are acquired.

Purpose of the processing

The processing of the personal data you provide is aimed at the correct and complete execution of the assignment received, the fulfillment of the necessary tax obligations deriving from the current assignment as well as the fulfillment of the obligations established by law, regulation, community legislation or by order. of the Authority.

For the aforementioned purposes, personal data are processed without express consent (Article 6 letters b) e) GDPR).

Methods of treatment and conservation

Personal data are subjected to both paper and electronic and / or automated processing, in compliance with the provisions of art. 32 of the GDPR 2016/679 and regarding security measures and in compliance with the provisions of art. 29 GDPR 2016/679.

The treatment is carried out by means of the operations of art. 4 GDPR 2016/679 and more precisely: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data.    

In compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, subject to your free and explicit consent expressed at the bottom of this information, your personal data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship.

Provision of data

The provision of common, sensitive and judicial personal data is strictly necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities indicated in the processing purpose.

Refusal to provide data

Refusal to provide data makes it impossible to carry out the activities indicated in the processing purpose. 

Access to data 

Personal data may be made accessible pursuant to the processing purposes to employees and external collaborators of the Data Controller in their capacity as persons in charge and / or internal managers of the processing and / or system administrators and, in general, to all those public and private subjects. to whom the communication is necessary and / or mandatory for the correct fulfillment of the same purposes.

(the list of these subjects is visible on the site at the link / privacy-policy).

These subjects will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers.

Dissemination of data 

Personal data are not subject to disclosure.

Transfer of personal data

Your data may be transferred to member states of the European Union and to third countries not belonging to the European Union.

Special categories of personal data

Pursuant to art. 9 and 10 GDPR 2016/679, you could give the study data that can be qualified as “particular categories of personal data”, that is, those data that reveal “racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person “. These categories of data may be processed only with your free and explicit consent, expressed in writing at the bottom of this information or by digital consent on the site. .

Existence of an automated decision-making process 

Cascina Bringin does not adopt any automated decision-making process, including profiling, pursuant to art. 22, paragraphs 1 and 4, of the GDPR 2016/679.

Rights of the interested party

At any time, you can exercise, pursuant to art. from 15 to 22 of the GDPR 2016/679, the following rights:

a) ask for confirmation of the existence or otherwise of their personal data;

b) obtain information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period;

c) obtain the rectification and cancellation of data;

d) obtain the limitation of the processing;

e) obtain data portability, i.e. receive them from the data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without hindrance;

f)  oppose the processing at any time and also in the case of processing for direct marketing purposes;

g) oppose an automated decision-making process relating to individuals including profiling.

h) ask the data controller to access personal data and to correct or cancel them or limit their processing or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability;

i) withdraw the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the revocation;

L)  propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority. 

How to exercise your rights

You can exercise your rights at any time with a written request sent to Beppino Bergamaschi, Str. del Racchetti, 8, 12084 Mondovì CN or at the address mai